Lineage BJJ® Open Mat Guidelines: Train Smart, Stay Safe, and Respect All

In the vast world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), there's something liberating and magnetic about the "Open Mat" session. Unlike structured classes with a fixed curriculum, Open Mat is that refreshing pause, an open canvas where you paint your own Jiu-Jitsu journey. But as liberating as it may seem, it comes with its own set of rules to ensure safety, respect, and growth for every participant.

What is Open Mat in BJJ?

For those unfamiliar with the term, Open Mat is when the gym's mats are available for free training without any scheduled class or specific lesson plan. It's a golden chance for students to meet, spar, drill techniques, or simply discuss BJJ nuances. It brings together all skill levels, making it a melting pot from white belts just starting out to black belts with years under their belts.

Lineage BJJ® Open Mat Rules:

  • Safety First: At Lineage BJJ®, our first and foremost concern is the safety and comfort of our students. Before stepping onto the mat, all participants must be thoroughly familiar with the academy's "rules and etiquette." This crucial information is provided in the member's liability waiver and is readily available for review under the 'documents' section in the members' app. If there's ever a doubt or a need for clarity regarding any rule or guideline, we strongly encourage students to approach a staff member.
 Understanding and adhering to our safety credo is paramount:

    1. You're responsible for your training partner's safety (within reason).

    2. Don't let your training partner hurt you.

    3. Don't let your training partner hurt themselves. For instance, if they are unwilling or don't recognize the need to tap out, be prepared to release a submission.

  • Sparring Guidelines: Given this backdrop, free rolling or sparring is reserved for those who've ascended to the rank of a 2-degree white belt or those who've earned explicit approval from our esteemed coaching staff. We want to ensure every student's safety without dampening the spirit of learning. Newcomers, while not allowed to free roll immediately, are always heartily welcomed. They're actively encouraged to immerse themselves in drills and positional rolls, cultivating their skills in a controlled, safe environment.

  • Choosing Your Partner: Jiu-Jitsu is a personal journey, and choosing whom you train with during Open Mat is part of that. Feel free to accept or decline sparring invitations. Remember, you know your limits better than anyone else.

Decoding Positional Rolling in BJJ:

For those unfamiliar with the nuances of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, "positional rolling" may sound like jargon. But for the seasoned BJJ enthusiast, it's an integral aspect of their training routine.

Positional rolling, often referred to as "technical rolling" or "positional drilling," is a dedicated approach where practitioners focus intensely on specific positions or techniques rather than engaging in a full-fledged spar. Here's how it typically plays out:

  • Starting Position: You and your partner begin from a predetermined position, be it the guard, side control, mount, or any other specific stance in BJJ.

  • Objective Setting: Each player has a set goal. One might try to maintain the position, work a particular submission, or transition to another spot, while the other's aim is usually to defend, escape, or reverse the situation.

  • Catch and Release: In situations where a submission is secured, instead of applying full pressure, the technique is 'caught' and then 'released'. This approach ensures safety while allowing practitioners to recognize and acknowledge successful maneuvers.

  • Escape and Reset: Once the decided objective is achieved – be it holding a position, executing a submission, or escaping – both participants revert to their starting position. Alternatively, they might switch roles, allowing each to experience both the offensive and defensive aspects of the drill.

  • Benefits: The true value of positional rolling is its focus. By homing in on specific scenarios, practitioners can repetitively fine-tune and practice techniques against a resisting partner. This not only bolsters muscle memory but also deepens the understanding of mechanics, leverage, and timing for each move.

Another advantage of this method is the ability to adjust resistance levels. Depending on the experience of both participants, resistance can range from minimal, allowing for easy execution of techniques, to moderate or even near-full resistance, simulating the intensity of an actual roll.

In simpler terms, think of positional rolling as a microscope for BJJ techniques. It allows practitioners to delve deep into particular moves, providing repetitive and intensive practice, ensuring that the techniques are deeply ingrained and second nature during free rolling or actual competition.

When executed correctly, positional rolling accelerates skill acquisition, refines techniques, and fosters a deeper understanding of the art, making it an indispensable tool in the journey of every Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

Visitors and External Members:

At Lineage BJJ®, we deeply value our community and the culture of respect, safety, and technical precision we've cultivated. Our Open Mat sessions are primarily designed for our active students, ensuring consistent training standards. If you're from another academy or are in the area for a visit, we would be thrilled to welcome you. However, we've found that training protocols and safety practices can vary significantly across different academies. To ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding safety, hygiene, and mutual respect, we kindly request that you reach out to us before attending a scheduled Open Mat session. This measure is crucial for maintaining the comfort and safety of our regular members. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Why Should You Attend Open Mat?

  • Broaden Your Horizon: Unlike structured classes, Open Mat sessions offer practitioners the liberty to explore areas of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that they're particularly curious about. Whether it's a new technique you're trying to master or a weak spot in your game you want to strengthen, Open Mat gives you the space and time to work on it.

  • Diverse Skill Levels: Open Mat sessions bring together a variety of practitioners, from fresh white belts to seasoned black belts. This diversity allows for a unique learning experience, giving you the opportunity to roll with different skill levels and styles.

  • Feedback Opportunity: The more relaxed atmosphere of an Open Mat means that there's often more time for feedback from both peers and higher belts. This kind of feedback, especially when sought from diverse partners, can be invaluable in identifying areas of improvement.

  • Building Camaraderie: While rolling and sparring are vital aspects of Open Mat, so is the sense of community it fosters. It's a time when students can bond, share techniques, discuss challenges, and build stronger relationships within the BJJ community.

  • Self-directed Learning: Without the structure of a typical class, students are in charge of their own learning during Open Mat. This autonomy helps foster a sense of responsibility and promotes self-directed learning, a crucial aspect for any martial artist looking to progress in their journey.

  • Increased Mat Time: Simply put, the more time you spend on the mat, the better you get. Open Mat sessions provide an additional opportunity to practice, increasing your overall mat time, which can be particularly beneficial for those who can't attend regular classes as often as they'd like.

In Conclusion,

At Lineage BJJ®, our dedication is to foster a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment for every student. Open Mat sessions are a testament to this commitment. These sessions are more than just a supplement to regular BJJ training; they provide a unique platform for personal growth, community building, and technique refinement. Whether you're delving into a new technique, discussing the latest BJJ trends, just starting your journey, or are a seasoned practitioner aiming for mastery, it's vital to remember our foundational principle: we are a community. Built on pillars of mutual respect, understanding, and safety, Open Mat sessions exemplify the spirit of collaboration and growth. Let's commit to rolling responsibly, cherishing our shared passion for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and recognizing the unparalleled value Open Mat brings to our continuous journey in the art.

©Lineage BJJ® and James Thrift - All rights reserved

James Thrift

Retired PSS/TSI - U.S. Secret Service. Navy Veteran. Founder of Lineage BJJ and Calvert MMA Academy. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu 4th Degree Black Belt.

Lineage BJJ: Where Greatness Begins and Mastery is Achieved


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (GJJ) and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): The Dynamic Duo with a Twist